WELCOME TO THE PATCOGROUP EBAY STORE FOR SALE 1 BAG CALCIUM CHLORIDE ICE AND SNOW MELTER TOP BRAND 50 LB BAG'S PELADOW™ Calcium Chloride Pellets are the premier snow and ice melter, ideal for clearing sidewalks, driveways and parking lots. It melts ice up to 3 times faster than competing materials, and outperforms other products across a wide range of temperatures. The round shape of PELADOW™ helps it penetrate ice and break the bond with the pavement more quickly than flat or crystal-shaped ice melters, THIS IS A GIVEAWAY PRICE WE STOCK IT BY THE PALLET AS WELL IN OUR EBAY STORE THANK YOU WENDY PICK UP ONLY IF SHIPPING IS NEEDED, ADVISE ZIP CODE AND ILL GIVE U SUPER RATE TO DELIVER